A Comprehensive Guide To Hiring React Native Developers In India (2024)

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Today's tech-savvy consumers depend increasingly on mobile applications for routine tasks. In 2023, a staggering 148.2 billion apps and games were downloaded, a 3.9% increase from the previous year. As businesses strive to adapt to this mobile-first ideology, resources with cross-platform development expertise, cost-effectiveness and productivity are becoming pivotal for success. 

That said, React Native framework facilitates cross-platform development and streamlines the app creation process. One of the major advantages of React Native is its ability to reuse code across different platforms. This not only saves time and resources during development but also ensures consistency across different versions of the app. Given these benefits, it's no surprise that major tech companies like Facebook and Instagram have adopted React Native. As a result, there is a high demand for skilled React Native developers in the market.

In this dynamic environment, hiring proficient React Native developers is paramount for companies to capitalise on this trend. If you are looking to hire React Native Developers in India, this article will help you understand its nuances and build a high-performing team. 

Top Tech Talent Hiring Destinations in India

India boasts several hiring destinations with superior tech talent availability and internet infrastructure. Each city has its own unique strengths and a vibrant tech ecosystem. Here is a list of the top cities known for their concentration of tech talent:

  • Bangalore, referred to as the “Silicon Valley of India,” tops the list of destinations for tech talent recruitment. Bangalore is home to numerous MNCs, startups and prestigious educational institutions, making it a magnet for global tech talents. With excellent IT infrastructure and high-speed connectivity throughout the city, Bangalore is an ideal hub for organisations seeking top tech talent in India.
  • Pune, known as the “Oxford of the East,” is a leading professional hub, especially in software development and engineering. The city’s proximity to Mumbai, coupled with the presence of the country’s top institutions, attracts a steady stream of talented candidates in various sectors.
  • Hyderabad, an emerging tech hub in India, has gained prominence recently due to supportive government policies. Major IT giants like Google and Microsoft have established their presence in this city, attracting talented mavens across India. 
  • Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu, is known for its thriving IT and BPO industries. With world-class infrastructure and a favourable business environment, Chennai is an attractive destination for organisations looking to hire technical specialists in India.
  • Gurgaon and Noida, part of the National Capital Region (NCR), has seen rapid growth in the tech sector, driven by MNCs, IT parks and business-friendly policies. These cities offer abundant talents from across the country for global organisations.

In addition to these tier 1 cities, here is a list of tier 2 cities where organisations can find skilled technical professionals.

  • Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Kochi, Kerala
  • Jaipur, Rajasthan

Factors to Consider When Hiring React Native Developers in India

From candidates’ expertise to labour law compliance, there are numerous significant factors that organisations have to consider while hiring React Native Developers in India

1) Portfolio and Experience

Evaluating the candidates’ portfolio and experience is paramount to identifying the right fit while hiring React Native Developers in India. A comprehensive portfolio is a proven record of their skills, showcasing past projects and accomplishments. It helps analyse their technical skills and problem-solving capabilities. Here are some key aspects recruiters should look for in the candidates’ portfolio:

  • Relevant projects
  • Quality and complexity of the projects
  • Experience with React Native APIs and components
  • App store deployments
  • UI/UX skills
  • Client feedback and references

Companies can understand the candidate’s versatility and adaptability with the diversity of their past projects. A candidate with the right experience will seamlessly fit into your projects and give you instant results. An exhaustive portfolio and experience review can reduce training time and ensure project success.

2) Compensation

Compensation is crucial when hiring React Native Developers in India, as it directly affects the quality of talent you attract, hire and retain. According to Glassdoor, the annual salary range for a React Native developer in India ranges from INR 3,00,000 to INR 7,00,000. Compensation differs based on factors like:

  • Experience and skill level 
  • Location
  • Demand and Supply
  • Company size and reputation
  • Education level

Organisations can attract top talent and maximise their budgets by carefully considering the experience level and location of new hires. Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Chennai and New Delhi are known for offering higher salaries compared to cities like Kochi and Kolkata. Organisations offering competitive salaries at par with the industry will remain attractive.

3) Employee Benefits

In a competitive job market, offering attractive employee benefits gives organisations an advantage over competitors. Valuable benefits like health insurance, retirement plans and paid time off significantly impact employee satisfaction and motivation. Employees feeling valued and supported are more likely to be engaged and productive. 

Furthermore, remote work options and generous vacation policy, among others, will enhance work-life balance, catalysing job satisfaction and loyalty. A robust benefits package strengthens the employer’s brand reputation, enabling organisations to position themselves as an ‘employer of choice’.

4) Payrolling and Labour Laws in India

Payrolling ensures the company’s compliance with India’s complex labour laws and regulations that influence wages, benefits, working hours, working conditions, etc. Furthermore, an effective Payroll Management Process contributes to a positive work environment, enhances employee satisfaction and mitigates non-compliance risks.

5) Labour Laws

Organizations hiring React Native developers from India must comply with several key employment laws to ensure smooth functioning. Here are some of the prominent labour laws:

  • The Minimum Wages Act: This legislation sets the minimum wages the employer must pay to ensure fair compensation. Moreover, it is state-specific. For example, in New Delhi the minimum wages of a skilled worker is INR 20,903.
  • The Payment of Wages Act: This law specifies the frequency and the manner in which wages must be paid. It ensures timely and accurate payment of wages, mode of payment, deductions, overtime pay and other allowances. For example, this law mandates that the salary be paid within seven days from the end of the wage period.
  • The Employees Provident Fund Act (EPF Act): EPF is a retirement savings scheme for employees where both the employee and the employer contribute. The employer must make a monthly remittance to the employees’ EPF fund.
  • The Employees’ State Insurance Act (ESI Act): This law mandates employers to provide medical and social security benefits to employees. Employers must register eligible employees under the ESI scheme and contribute monthly.

In addition to these labour laws, several factors have to be considered while hiring, paying and terminating employees, which also fall under the category of compliance:

  • Documents and contractssome text
    • Records of employment like employment contracts, offer letters, etc.
    • Include Terms and conditions of employment
    • Specify salary, benefits, working hours and termination clauses
  • Taxations and withholdingsome text
    • Accurately calculate and withhold taxes
    • Includes income tax, PF contributions and professional tax
  • Employee benefits administrationsome text
    • Ensure compliance with regulations
    • Includes Health insurance, PF, gratuity, leave entitlements, etc.
  • Termination proceduressome text
    • Ensure compliance with the labour law 
    • Provide appropriate notice period, severance pay and conduct exit interviews for a smooth termination process

How do you Hire the Best React Native Developers from India?

Hiring the best developers from India demands a strategic approach tailored to the needs of your organisation and project. Here is a comprehensive outline with a series of steps to effectively attract, hire and onboard top React Native talent from India.

1) Define Project Requirements

The success of any hiring process depends on how clearly the requirements are defined. Every project has unique requirements and defining what the project demands is crucial. Clearly define the project outline, including the scope, features, complexity, functionalities and deadlines. 

Organisations should identify the technical and non-technical skillsets needed to succeed at the job. The organisation can hire full-time, part-time or contractual employees based on the project. Clearly defining and communicating these requirements to the recruitment team is essential for success.

2) Evaluate React Native Proficiency

When sourcing candidates, companies should prioritise candidates with strong React Native proficiency. Their portfolio should have information pertaining to their experience working with the React Native framework. A successful hire depends on how well the candidate understands the core concept, component lifecycle and state management.

Some methods to assess the candidate’s React Native Proficiency:

  • Ask them to complete a coding task
  • Use online coding platforms like HackerRank, LeetCode, etc.
  • Certifications and training programs
  • Discussion of past projects

3) Assess JavaScript and Redux capabilities

JavaScript is the foundation for building cross-platform components and creating React Native applications. Candidates should be evaluated for their knowledge of the JavaScript framework for efficient code implementation. 

While hiring React Native developers, recruiters should assess the candidate’s proficiency in state management solutions like Redux. Managing complex data flows within the applications is essential, enabling developers to architect scalable state management systems.

4) Examine Problem-solving Aptitude

Developers must have both technical skills and problem-solving abilities. It enables the developer to analyse problems, propose solutions and implement them effectively. Recruiters must look for their problem-solving attitude in their past projects and assignments.

5) Negotiate Compensation and Benefits

Negotiating a compensation and benefits package is crucial once the right candidate is identified via screening, various assessments and interviews. The package should align with the candidate’s skills, experience and current market and industry trends. Negotiating a competitive compensation package at par with the industry is crucial to retaining top talent. Compensation and benefits include:

  • Salary
  • Bonuses
  • Health benefits
  • Retirement plans
  • Other perks

6) Onboard and Deploy a Training Plan

Integrating React Native developers seamlessly into the project is essential after hiring them. Comprehensive training on project requirements, quality standards, development tools and best practices in React Native development is vital. Involving mentors and other senior developers in training facilitates knowledge transfer, improving efficiency. 

3 Ways Foreign Employers can Hire Developers in India

Global organisations have several ways to hire React Native developers in India. Here are three prominent ways, each with its own opportunities and challenges. 

  • Setting up an entity: Establishing an entity is a feasible option for organisations seeking to create a local footprint in India.  Companies can hire full-time employees, exercising complete control over building their local team. However, it demands compliance with local labour laws and administrative tasks like payroll. 
  • Hiring App developers as contractors: Engaging app developers as freelancers or independent contractors is beneficial for organisations wanting flexibility without the hassle of setting up a local entity. It is quick and preferred for short-term projects. Moreover, organisations should navigate the Indian contracting laws and safeguard their intellectual property.
  • Relocating Employees to your base country: Organisations focusing on closer collaboration can choose to relocate Indian employees to their base country through work visas or intra-company transfers. This aligns the team closely with company goals and processes but comes with immigration and logistical challenges.

Organisations must choose a hiring strategy that best aligns with their priorities and requirements. 

Onboard React Native Developers in India with Rapid 

For a foreign employer, successfully hiring and onboarding tech talents in India comes with many challenges. Navigating India’s laws and regulations, sourcing qualified candidates and managing administrative tasks can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Additionally, it requires extensive networking, regional expertise and resources. 

Partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR) in India can be invaluable in mitigating these challenges. With Rapid, you can expedite your hiring process and build a team in no time without the hassles of administrative and legal complexities. 

Be it full-time employees, independent contractors or temporary employees, we provide tailor-made solutions for all your talent needs. We handle all aspects of payroll, local benefits, compliance and asset management.

Why limit yourself to remote teams when you can experience control akin to managing your own entity? We empower organisations to customise policies, practices and benefits for your Indian team.

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